Frequently Asked Questions
I am on a free trial. Will I be charged once it ends?
No, you will not be charged. When the trial period concludes, your account will automatically switch to the Free Limited plan.
I accidentally deleted a game, is there a way to recover?
Yes. After each game, your data is automatically saved to both your device and the cloud, with cloud backup enabled by default. If you need to restore a backup, you can either use Menu > Device Data Auto Backup or go to your profile page and select Restore from Cloud. Please note that restoring a backup will overwrite your current data, so make sure you verify the backup date before proceeding. If you need further assistance, please contact the developer.
Can I obtain a subscription that covers all the coaches on my team?
Yes, you have two options:
Team Plan: One coach can subscribe to the "Team Plan" and designate the team as a "Team Access" team. This grants all coaches full access, including the ability to run extended games without individual subscriptions.
Club Subscription: Alternatively, your club can purchase a club subscription. The club manager can then assign "Team Access" to your team at a discounted rate. For more information, please visit SubTime's Club Subscription page at
I am getting an error "Unable to retrieve purchase options, error: The device or user is not allowed to make the purchase.". what should I do?
This is normally due to the Google play store account used to download the app does not have the payment set up. You can go to google's site to confirm your account status.
I have many teams cluttering the teams screen. How can I organize it?
To clean up your teams screen, tap the '...' icon next to a team to access the options, then select Hide Team for those you don’t need to access frequently. To view or restore hidden teams, tap the eye icon at the top of the screen.
Which sports are supported?
The app supports Football (Soccer in the US), Basketball, Field Hockey, Lacrosse, and Rugby. You can also create and customize your own sport!
I purchased a Team subscription, but why can’t my other coaches run long games?
You also need to set the team as "Team Access". To do this, tap the '...' icon next to the team and select "Set Team Access". This will grant full access to all coaches.
We have multiple coaches for the same team. Can we share the same team data?
Yes, you can! The coach who created the team automatically becomes the team admin and can upload the team data to cloud storage to share with fellow coaches. This includes team information such as lineups, custom formations, and game history. Additionally, the new SubTime Live feature allows multiple coaches to participate in the same live game.
I just got a new phone, how can I move my data and subscription over?
To transfer your data, first, note down the app user ID from your old phone. On your new phone, navigate to the profile screen and select "Transfer from another device" to migrate both your data and existing subscription.
If you are switching between Android and iOS devices, please cancel your current subscription and set up a new one on the new device before the existing subscription expires, as subscriptions cannot be shared between Android and iOS platforms.
I forgot to enter a goal. can I add it later?
Yes, you can! You can add the goal either during the game or in the Game Summary Events after the game has finished.
I would like to add a new feature, how could I contact the developer?
Your feedback is always welcomed! Please send all you inquiries and suggestions to
Can I export the data out of the app?
Yes, you may use the share icon to send the stats as a csv file or text.
Can I change the number of players on the field?
Yes, you can! Simply click on the formation in the game screen and select or create a formation with the desired number of players.
Can I cancel my subscription?
Yes, you can cancel your subscription any time following the cancellation policies of either Google Play or the Apple App Store through your respective store's subscription screen.
I am not happy with the purchase and would like a refund.
Please follow the refund policy of the store you made the purchase. iOS: . Android:
I subscribed to the Standard Plan, but the app still shows as limited. What should I do?
This issue may occur due to a lag in retrieving the latest billing status. To resolve it, go to the subscription screen and click "Restore Purchase" to update your subscription status.
I would like to delete all my records in the app. What should I do?
We’re happy to assist! Please use the contact form provided below and include your app user ID in the message.
Do you offer club subscription?
Yes! Please refer to for more details.
What does the eye icon do?
The eye icon allows you to hide or unhide teams, such as those from previous seasons. You can hide teams individually to keep your screen organized.
Where can I find receipts for my purchases?
Purchases are managed by the app stores
For iOS,
For Android,
I have multiple phones on my store account. How can I use SubTime with the same subscription?
You have two options:
- Restore Purchase: On each device, go to the subscription screen and tap "Restore Purchase". This will activate the subscription on that device, allowing each to have its own app ID and independent records.
- Transfer Data: Transfer your data from one device to another so both share the same app user ID, enabling the same subscription across devices. To do this, note down the app user ID from your old phone. On your new phone, navigate to the profile screen and select "Transfer from another device" to migrate both your data and existing subscription.
My game was interrupted by lightening. Can I resume the game another day?
Yes, you can! From the Game Summary, select "Continue Game" to resume the game. You can also update the game date as needed.